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Texas Rivers Spiritual Mapping Prayer Assignment

The following Texas Rivers Spiritual Mapping Assignment is an example of an actual spiritual mapping assignment that was executed from 2019 - 2022. Below is a letter sent out to intercessors explaining the assignment and requesting participation from those who felt led to be a part. It contains links to more in-depth information of the actual events carried out. The following information is meant for instructional purposes only, as the Spirit-led assignment has already been completed.

Dear Grassroots Movement, July 10, 2022

After the overturn of Roe vs Wade, the Lord spoke to me the following, “The high place has been torn down, which has weakened the ruling principality but now it is time for Texas to decree the destruction of the Babylonian structure over the state.” Holy Spirt then reminded me of the prophetic act we carried out at the Trinity River, on June 30th , in the summer of 2019, which resulted in tropical storm Imelda, meaning “All Encompassing Battle,” coming to shore on September 17 -19 th , 2019, embodying destruction and yet replenishing of the land at the same time.

Download Link to detailed accounting of 2019 Coastal Waterways Initiative mentioned above:

On the last page of the report, I penned the following,

“If the moment of decision to get on with things (18) doesn't happen, there will still be a move, be a move, it is just that the movement will be unto BONDANGE, instead of wide-open spaces.

Major Texas Rivers Map

We must choose to move by faith (19) and rest in the Deliverer's ability to save us and give us the victory (17) in the battle."

We are presently dealing with a drought and famine is spoken of; however, God has spoken prophetically over the husbandry of Texas the following, “Earth can’t give up its increase until the movement is activated through my people. Earth has a voice, and that voice must be reconciled from Heaven to release its increase. You’re realigning Heaven back down in the earth, into the earth realm.”

I then heard the Spirit whisper, “God consumed the reign, then Elijah restored the rain. When the high place was consumed by the “All Consuming Fire,” in I Kings 18, the next move by Elijah was straightening up the earth realm to now reverberate heaven. We are in a moment of decision; things are heating up and by faith we must declare the victory by decreeing the complete annulation of Babylon and once accomplished watch as the abundance of rain returns to our land.

I wholeheartedly believe that what was done at the Trinity River was actually a foreshadowing for this NOW moment. We are in the summer of the all-encompassing battle and this is our moment of decision to establish who will rule this nation called Texas. I say, no king but JESUS! When the demonic is cast down or a high place taken out, it must go to a desolate dry place, which Texas looks like right now, don’t you think? Therefore, as kings of the King, we shall decree the demise of this stronghold and then send it into the river causing an overturning in the spiritual realm. Faith to see the unseen and obedience are keys that unlock kingdom realities.

The prophetic act that was carried out at the Trinity River was the reading aloud the calamity which would befall Babylon from Jeremiah 51 and then, “as soon as you finish reading this scroll, you will tie a stone to it and throw it into the middle of the Euphrates and say, ‘Just so shall Babylon sink down and not rise again, because of the calamity that I am going to bring upon her; and they will become exhausted,’ “Jeremiah 51:63,64. The assignment is easy, go to a river, read Jeremiah 51, roll up the scroll, tie it to a stone and throw it in the water. It’s that simple!

Please Note that this Assignment has already been completed (2022). And the following is for educational purposes only.

If you would like to join this mandate there are two ways to participate and both are immensely important. Monday, July 18 th council members only are invited to meet at Gazebo Park @ 104 W Main St, Olney, TX 76374 at 10:00 AM. From there we will go to the confluence of the Brazos, Trinity, and Red River watersheds and the West Fork of the Trinity. We chose July 18 because eighteen means, the moment of decision to get on with things. Can’t make this stuff up.

Also starting on Monday, July 18th everyone in the state is invited to take a team to one of the following rivers:

Canadian - Brazos - San Marcos - Red River - San Jacinto - San Antonio - Sabine - San Bernard - Nueces -Neches - Colorado - Pecos - Trinity - Guadalupe - Rio Grande

Please let me know which tributaries you will be covering as we want to make sure the rivers listed above are completed by no later than July 24, however all waterways are encouraged. Take a picture or two. At the retreat we will corporately declare the realigning of heaven on earth and the release of increase over the entire state.

It’s our moment of decision to get on with Texas having wide-open spaces of an abundance of


Darla Ryden

TXAPN Birthplace Region

Below is a chart denoting the dates and places of the above assignment having been carried out:

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About Darla

Darla Ryden 2.HEIC

First and foremost, Darla is an impassioned lover of Jesus! She is a JOY-GIVER, and functions as an apostolic teacher to world-changers, a psalmist, and a watchmen prophet with over thirty years of experience in spiritual mapping.  She engages in spiritual warfare for the purpose of restoring, reforming, and transforming land back to God's original purpose and design. Darla is also a wife, mother, and "Birdy" to two adorable grands, as well as a real estate agent and avid reader. 


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